Friday 25 February 2022

Bearing Arms - Feb 25 - Massachusetts carry permit applications soar

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Massachusetts carry permit applications soar
x Feb 25, 2022
The state of Massachusetts will never be considered a pro-gun state. After all, they've got more gun control than many other states combined. What's more, they're proud of that gun control. However, like many anti-gun states, the truth is always more complicated. After all, the urban centers favor gun control while ... [Keep Reading]
Santa Clara County "ghost gun" arrests prove something
x Feb 24 2022
Every now and then, I like to stop and wonder if I've been wrong about my various opinions, even about guns. I find it to be a useful tool to keep me from ignoring some important bit of information or being locked into my beliefs without a good reason to ... [Keep Reading]
Ahead of SCOTUS decision, NY Dem moves to make most of the state a "gun-free zone"
x Feb 24 2022
There's a distinct possibility that within the next three or four months, the U.S. Supreme Court is going to strike down New York's subjective "may issue" carry laws on constitutional grounds. Even before that decision comes down, however, some anti-gun politicians in the state are already laying the groundwork to ... [Keep Reading]
Mere calls to end violence little more than theater
x Feb 24 2022
In most towns across the nation, you'll find a community theater. There, locals will perform various shows that might have originated on Broadway but now find themselves on Main Street. My wife spend an awful lot of her time volunteering and performing at one such theater here. I've taken a few ... [Keep Reading]
Law profs urge SCOTUS to overturn "assault weapons" ban
x Feb 24 2022
I recently had the chance to speak with the Second Amendment Foundation's Alan Gottlieb about a case out of Maryland that challenges the state's ban on so-called assault weapons, and on today's Bearing Arms' Cam & Co we're following up on that discussion with a very insightful conversation with Second ... [Keep Reading]
National Review to Ukraine: Bear arms sooner
x Feb 24 2022
While the situation in Ukraine isn't likely to cause any direct issues--we're not likely to get shot because of what's happening over there--many of us have been closely following the situation. What's been particularly interesting was, on the eve of invasion from a hostile power, the Ukrainian government turned to its ... [Keep Reading]
Will Biden's SCOTUS pick be a reliable vote for gun control?
x Feb 25, 2022
I don't think gun owners were ever going to be jumping for joy over any of the candidates on Joe Biden's short list to replace the retiring Stephen Breyer as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court, but Ketanji Brown Jackson, a judge who was confirmed to her current position ... [Keep Reading]
Houston arrests a warning to all gun owners
x Feb 25, 2022
Many of us oppose pretty much every gun law on the books. We think the National Firearms Act is especially problematic, especially when one looks at the geopolitical reality of our modern world, but it's far from the only one. I mean, if I've got the money, I should be able ... [Keep Reading]
Indiana Senate leader says Constitutional Carry not dead yet
x Feb 25, 2022
The long and convoluted path towards Constitutional Carry in Indiana took another detour this week, but the head of the state Senate claims Republicans have a plan to get the bill across the finish line before this year's session expires. On Wednesday, a Senate committee gutted the original language of HB 1077, ... [Keep Reading]
Democrats are pro-gun now?
x Feb 25, 2022
Anyone who has spent much time on social media has likely come across the leftist group OccupyDemocrats. As their name implies, they're big fans of the Occupy movement that shut down Wall Street a while back and also lead to the CHOP in Seattle a couple of years ago. They're not ... [Keep Reading]
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