Saturday 22 January 2022

61 of the Best Signs From March for Life

January 22 2022
Good morning from Washington, where the pro-life movement once again suggests its growing numbers by assembling for the March for Life. Bernadette Tasy writes about how scientific advances have advanced the cause, while Maggie Hroncich offers photos of imaginative signs carried by marchers. A bishop tells Mary Margaret Olohan where pro-abortion Catholics go wrong. For more coverage, visit  our YouTube channel. Plus: Victor Davis Hanson bemoans the rapid decline of America, and Neil Patel chronicles the president's denial of reality. On this date in 1973, in a 7-2 decision in the case of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court legalizes abortion across the nation.
61 of the Best Signs From March for Life
By Maggie Hroncich

"Abortion is a tragic symptom of women's oppression, not a solution to it," reads one sign.
Is America Heading for a Systems Collapse?
By Victor Davis Hanson

As in ancient Rome, several nations have suffered a "systems collapse." The term describes the sudden inability of once prosperous populations to continue with what ensured the good life.
Standing on Shoulders of Science to Turn Page on Roe v. Wade
By Bernadette Tasy

Scientific developments over the last few decades have given young Americans only more reasons to defend the unborn.
Arlington Bishop Addresses 'Catholics for Choice' Scandal, Youngkin Executive Order on Mask Mandate
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington says the Catholics for Choice group's projection of a pro-abortion slogan on the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was "chilling."
Joe Biden Completes His Historic Failure
By Neil Patel

When challenged on America's declining faith in the competence of his government, President Biden denies reality.

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