Thursday 22 June 2023

Bearing Arms - Jun 22 - David Chipman defends DOJ on Hunter Biden's plea deal

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David Chipman defends DOJ on Hunter Biden's plea deal
x Jun 22, 2023
Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal is going to continue to cause problems for his dad on the campaign trail, and Biden's allies in the gun control lobby know it. Since the news of the deal broke we've seen news outlets try to spin the plea bargain as no big deal ... [Keep Reading]
New Jersey gun owners sound off on Third Circuit ruling in carry case
x Jun 22 2023
The New Jersey carry-killer Bruen response law has been winding its way through the judicial process. As Cam reported yesterday, the previous preliminary injunction was partially stayed by a three judge panel of the 3rd Circuit. To say this is disappointing and a let-down would be an understatement, however not ... [Keep Reading]
Giffords: Bruen really supports everything we wanted anyway
x Jun 22 2023
The gun control group Giffords is one of many that has never met a piece of anti-Second Amendment legislation they didn't like. While they claim to value the Second Amendment, we've seen no signs of it before. In the wake of the Bruen decision, they were also one of many anti-gun ... [Keep Reading]
Florida county school board votes against armed staff
x Jun 21 2023
We often talk about pro-gun states and anti-gun states. Florida tends to get labeled as pro-gun, though that status is often overstated by many. However, the state does allow local school boards to determine whether or not staff members can be armed. It's not as good as just mandating it at ... [Keep Reading]
Biden tries to rewrite the Second Amendment (and U.S. history)
x Jun 21 2023
I've seen a lot of headlines today about Joe Biden's comments at a California fundraiser about needing an F-16 if you want to take on the federal government, but that was just one of many whoppers the anti-gunner-in-chief let loose before deep-pocketed Democratic donors this week. Biden not only ignored ... [Keep Reading]
The Trace takes aim at alcohol and guns
x Jun 21 2023
We all know that alcohol and guns don't mix.  Having a few drinks is fine. Owning guns is fine. Intentionally mixing the two, however, is a recipe for disaster. Just because you may have gotten away with it a few times doesn't mean you always will, and the ramifications of not getting ... [Keep Reading]
Senate rejects resolution to repeal ATF pistol brace
x Jun 22, 2023
The ATF's new rule on pistol stabilizing braces survived a Senate vote on Thursday as senators narrowly voted down an effort to undo the new rule via a congressional resolution. Before the 49-50 vote, opponents of the new rule pointed out that despite Joe Biden's bizarre assertion that attaching a stabilizing ... [Keep Reading]
How lack of reaction to Hunter's deal will hurt Democrats
x Jun 22, 2023
While no group of people is entirely monolithic in what they think, Democrats do tend to favor gun control. Many of them have campaigned on gun control. They've voted for it when they could and called for it when there wasn't a bill to support. Yet when Hunter Biden's deal was ... [Keep Reading]
Gun owners ask judge for relief after North Carolina sheriff delays carry permits by a year or more
x Jun 22, 2023
Anti-gunners around the country have deployed several strategies to get around the Supreme Court's ruling in Bruen that struck down "may issue" concealed carry licensing schemes requiring applicants to demonstrate "good cause" or a "justifiable need" to bear arms in self-defense. We've seen efforts to turn most publicly accessible places into "gun-free ... [Keep Reading]
John Lott dismantles Biden's gun control remarks
x Jun 22, 2023
News moves fast. It wasn't long ago when the whole "God save the Queen" speech was President Joe Biden's latest gun control remarks. Then he started at them again, this time with a whole new flavor of stupid. A lot of people have addressed Biden's arguments, if you can even call ... [Keep Reading]
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