Thursday 24 February 2022

Woman Sues LAPD After Spending 13 Days in Jail in Case of Mistaken Identity

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Woman Sues LAPD After Spending 13 Days in Jail in Case of Mistaken Identity
Posted by Cristina Laila
Bethany Farber (L); Bethany K. Farber A SoCal woman is suing the Los Angeles Police Department for $2.5 million after... Read more…
Ukraine Heavyweight Boxing Champion Klitschko Brothers Speak Out Against Russian Aggression
Posted by Joe Hoft
The Klitschko brothers, Wladimir and Vitali, released a video asking for international partners to stand together against Russian aggression.  "United... Read more…
BREAKING: In a Shocking Reversal, Trudeau Revokes His Use of the Emergencies Act – UPDATE: Lack of Senate Support Likely Forced His Hand – (VIDEO)
Posted by Julian Conradson
Just two days after the Canadian Parliament voted to uphold his unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act, Prime Minister Justin... Read more…
BREAKING: Ukraine Shuts Down Its Airspace – Putin Declares Start of Military Operation against Ukraine — VIDEO
Posted by Jim Hoft
Putin declared the start of the military operation against Ukraine tonight. ** Here is the live video. The airspace was... Read more…
Here It Is: CBS News Claims 'Ukraine Crisis' is to Blame for Increased Gas Prices, Inflation, Supply-Chain Issues
Posted by Cristina Laila
And here it is... The fake news media has been given their 'how the Ukraine crisis is hitting Americans' wallets'... Read more…
Scenes in Ukraine After Russian Missiles Hit Multiple Airports and Key Military Infrastructures in Early Morning Barrage – (VIDEO)
Posted by Julian Conradson
Late Wednesday night, Vladimir Putin declared the start of Russia's military operation against Ukraine. Within minutes of Putin's public... Read more…
Three 'White Supremacists' Plead Guilty to Plot to Attack Power Grids to Start Race War: Feds
Posted by Cristina Laila
How many feds/FBI informants were involved in this plot? Three young men from Oshkosh, Wisconsin each pleaded guilty to one... Read more…
BREAKING: Reports of Explosions in Ukraine – Including Kharkiv, Near Russia (VIDEOS)
Posted by Joe Hoft
  There are reports tonight of explosions across Ukraine in multiple cities.  More information is being confirmed.  One video shows... Read more…
ALERT: Wisconsin Speaker Vos and Senator Bernier Are Now Pushing Legislation to Give a Head Start to Election Cheating — They Want to Pass It Today!
Posted by Jim Hoft
Wisconsin state Senator Kathy Bernier and Speaker Robin Vos are at it again! That means Trump supporters and conservatives are... Read more…
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BREAKING: North Carolina automotive group acquires 7 Upstate dealerships

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