Friday 25 February 2022

Reason Alert: Ukraine, Gas Prices, Social Media Regulation, and Biden's Supreme Court Pick

Reason Foundation
Reason Alert
Friday, February 25, 2022
Friday Funnies
War and gas prices.
By Steve Breen

Stop Trying To Make Ukraine About Your Culture War 
Russia suppresses anti-war protest by citing pandemic restrictions. 
By Elizabeth Nolan Brown 

Biden Is Right To Keep U.S. Troops Out of Ukraine 
But there are still constitutionality questions surrounding his troop deployments to NATO's eastern flank. 
By Fiona Harrigan 

Putin's War Spikes Oil and Natural Gas Prices 
Nationally, gasoline may reach an average of $4 per gallon. 
By Ronald Bailey 

Biden Nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court 
The SCOTUS pick has shown admirable judgment in criminal justice cases. 
By Damon Root 

The Government's Coronavirus Response Was a Complete Failure. Who Will Be Held Accountable? 
From the CDC to the FDA, there are too many missteps to list. 
By Veronique de Rugy 

Pandemic Restrictions Extra Painful for Businesses Owned by Minorities, Women, and Veterans 
Limited resources create enormous vulnerability.  
By J.D. Tuccille

Video: Forget the Great Reset. The Great Escape is Here.
The authors of COVID-19: The Great Reset and their most conspiratorial critics share an unfounded faith in the competence of central planners.  
By Zach Weissmueller 

Video: Does the Government Need To Fix Social Media? A Soho Forum Debate
Professor Jonathan Haidt of NYU debates Reason's Robby Soave.  
By Gene Epstein and Robby Soave 

Stephanie Slade: What Kind of Libertarian Are You? 
Figuring out the limits of big-tent libertarianism is no easy matter, but it's central to the movement's success.  
By Nick Gillespie 

Marco Rubio Accidentally Makes the Case Against Common-Good Conservatism at CPAC 
Here’s hoping the Florida senator recognizes threats to freedom when they come from the right as well as the left. 
By Stephanie Slade 

Pension Reform Newsletter: State Pension Bills, Improving Transparency, ESG Investing, and More 
America's 75 largest cities reported $357 billion in total debt in 2020.   
By Zachary Christensen 

Aviation Policy News: Remote Air Traffic Towers Go Mainstream in Europe 
Why 2022 could be a banner year for U.S. airport P3 projects, the EU airport slot system is under fire, and more.
By Robert Poole 

Recalibrating Expectations for the True Potential of Automated Vehicles
We will be dealing with a large amount of uncertainty about both AV technology and policy for some time.
By Marc Scribner

South Carolina’s Proposed Education Funding Reform Would Benefit Students and Taxpayers 
Gov. McMaster’s 2022 budget outlines a plan to simplify how the $5.4 billion in state education funding is spent.   
By Aaron Garth Smith 
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