Friday 25 February 2022

Hands On As We Grow®

Hands On As We Grow®

Weight Activity: Weighing and Comparing With A Balance Scale

Posted: 25 Feb 2022 06:00 AM PST

Click here to read Weight Activity: Weighing and Comparing With A Balance Scale on Hands On As We Grow®

Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.

Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.

Kelly is the director of a Daycare and Preschool. Starting in education in 1984, she has many years of experience.

Kelly had retired when her family started a new daycare and preschool. She knew they needed her and hung up her retirement hat for a few more years.

Starting a new business has been quite the learning curve for all of them.

But that's not the only learning curve Kelly has had lately.

When Kelly came across information for The Activity Room, this wasn't exactly something she was looking for at that moment.

"I’m definitely old school. I am definitely all about worksheets. Love worksheets. Can’t get enough of worksheets. So when I actually saw [The Activity Room] on Facebook, I was like, that’s for those young people that just do all those crazy things. And they don’t mind a mess. Because I don’t like a mess. I have 15 – 17 Kids, and so I don’t want to clean it up."

Kelly was not a fan of mess as you can see.

And she likes things to be organized and planned out well.

When Kelly decided to give Room a try she figured she would do the ones she liked and let the other teachers take all the messy, complicated, or artsy ones.

"Art is my least favorite thing. Everyone who comes to intern with me or does a practicum with me from the college in Valley City, North Dakota, that’s my first question. I always ask them. Do you love art? And almost everyone I’ve had says, Oh, it’s my favorite thing. I’m like, Oh, you’re a gift. Just a true gift from God. But I will say that doing these activities, it’s changed my whole teaching style."

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

"The problem I was trying to solve was the deficiency I felt that I had [as a teacher]. That this was not an area I love. And so I thought if I had a little assistance, maybe with Room coming up with an idea, even if I had to modify it, it still was a basic thing that I could do. And it would make me better as a teacher and help them as students."

When Kelly first joined Room her goal was to do one a week.

"I thought I could do this for one year. And I’m just not going to do any of the ones I don’t like. And I would say my goal was one a week. But, easy, I did two. And now it’s easy three or four."

To her surprise she found herself doing at least 2 a week right from the get go.

Kelly was also concerned she may have to go out and buy all kinds of supplies. But in fact she had almost everything she needed in her cupboards already.

She was really starting to like what she was seeing about The Activity Room.

"The biggest reason I want to do activities with them is because they love it. They love every part about it! And they don’t even realize that they’re learning as they go. They just don’t even realize it, but they are. In grabbing things and holding things and helping them to hold a pencil. Their fine motor skills and gross motor skills. All they look at is, how is this gonna work?"

Kelly shows us this in action with her super simple and fun weighing activity at the end of the post! You can't deny the focus and smiles on her kids faces during this weight activity.

Give daily activities a try for a week too! Download our FREE pdf Sample Week for Preschoolers here! 

Tips For Doing Activities with Large Groups of Kids

Kelly has a unique perspective on doing activities since she is a preschool teacher.

"I don’t follow an order, I take the whole month and run it off. And between me and my girl that is from the college, she does half and I do half. Of course she loves them all but I get to pick first. And so I’ll do half messy and half not messy."

She shares with us some very helpful tips on doing activities with lots of kids.

Divide and Conquer

First tip Kelly shares with us is to divide the kids into smaller groups. This allows you to make sure each child gets the most out of their hands on experience!

"I’m a planner. So I like to still plan. But I have 17 kids. So I have them in four different groups, it really helps with these activities to not have more than five. With more than five, if I have one that’s a little bit slower in each group, they just don’t get that attention that I’d love to give them. So I try to do four kids at one time."

Keep it Short

With worksheets, Kelly used to just split the group of kids in half.

But with Room activities she finds she can do smaller groups and just move them along a little faster than she did with worksheets.

This way it doesn't take longer than the planned time for that theme, lesson or subject.

"I just rotate them quicker, because it doesn’t take long to do [an activity.]"

Keep Cloths Handy

Make sure each child has a cloth or wet wipe handy.

You never know when a kid could be nervous about the texture or mess too.

"Kids just love anything hands on. Not all of them love to get dirty. I’ve even learned something though. I have those little baby wipes and I just have one by them at all times. Those who need it, we don’t talk about it, we don’t discuss it. They just know if you ever need this, this is here. And they just look at me like, Okay, I think I can do this. I think I can get my hands dirty."

Leave it Out

Kelly has kids that attend only for preschool hours. And she also has kids that stay before and after for daycare.

Kelly loves to take advantage of the simple Room activities by leaving them out and available for kids to explore further later on.

"I have daycare kids that do preschool in the morning, but they’re with us till five o’clock. And so later in the afternoon after rest time or whatever, they’ll go to do [the activity] again. Just like those families that are home, when you do it, they go back to it. My other kids can’t in the morning, they’re gone. But I do love that it’s a little bit like home, that they can go back and do it and rediscover it and even add to it. So I like that. That they keep doing it."

She uses all these tips in her fun object weighing activity below. Try her activity at home and explore weight with your kids.

If It's a Mess, You Just Clean it Up

Kelly tells us that she is so glad she gave herself the challenge to try activities with her class.

She never thought she would be so comfortable with activity time. Or messy play!

She tells us it has changed her teaching completely and made her better in so many ways.

"The Activity Room helped me to look forward to doing things differently. And not being like, I wouldn’t say afraid, but almost disrupted by it. I would say before I was a little bit disrupted [by anything messy]."

"And now it’s not bothering me at all. And so I think that’s what [Room] did. It just helped me to embrace it and realize that if it’s a mess, it’s a mess. You clean it up and you’re still done. You still got a lot more accomplished, I think. So I like that."

"As a teacher, it’s made me more aware that even though it may be messy, that it’s all whether you got to clean that up or clean lunch up or whatever. It’s not as important to me anymore. So it’s made me look beyond what I used to set as kind of guidelines of what I did in my classroom. Those are gone. And you know, if it works, and it’s fun, even if I have to moderate it or change it, it’s worth it."

"I just love seeing them so excited."

Let’s Meet Kelly

Meet Kelly Beckstrand in the Member Spotlight! She tells us about being a member of The Activity Room as a Daycare teacher. Plus check out one of her favorite activities to do.

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

13 4-5 years old kids.

Why do you love doing activities with your kids?

Because they love it and are learning at the same time.

How long have you been in The Activity Room?

Since October 2020.

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room?

Shaving cream sensory. Great for all kinds of learning fun.

(Don't miss the Weight Activity Kelly shares below where the kids are weighing toys with candy corn!)

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

Ask about their dreams and wishes.

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Be prepared and ready, even though I'm not all the time.

If you were to tell a friend about The Activity Room, what would you say to them?

The Activity Room is inspiring to me. Before The Activity Room I did more worksheets. Now with the activities my kids have more fun.

Share your favorite quote

Pretend a parent is beside you at all times and you will always speak with kindness to a child.

Weighing Objects Activity:

Make weighing your favorite toys a learning experience with this super simple no prep weight activity that uses balancing scales and small parts.

Weighing objects on a scale.

I love having the kids guess which object will weigh more or less.

Weight activities are always a win in my class.

To Do This Weighing Activity You Will Need:

Make weighing your favorite toys a learning experience with this super simple no prep weight activity that uses balancing scales and small parts.
  • A balance scale
  • Large quantity of small objects
    • i.e. candy, pennies, marbles, bouncy balls, peanuts, raisins, beads, etc.
  • Bowl or container
  • Variety of toys and other items to weigh
  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil

Preparing Your Weighing Activity

Make weighing your favorite toys a learning experience with this super simple no prep weight activity that uses balancing scales and small parts.

Bring out you scale.

Have a paper and pencil handy to keep track of weights.

Have a bowl of small items to measure weight of toys and objects the kids choose.

Weighing Objects Activity for Preschoolers

Make weighing your favorite toys a learning experience with this super simple no prep weight activity that uses balancing scales and small parts.

We did our weighing activity with candy corn!

First I showed the kids the scale.

I asked each preschooler to find an object in the classroom that would fit on the blue platform.

Grab your balance scale and items from around the house and try out this fun and simple weighing activity that has fun twist to make weight exciting for kids!

"How many candy corn does your object weigh?"

Each of the kids got to consider the weight of their found items before starting the activity.

Grab your balance scale and items from around the house and try out this fun and simple weighing activity that has fun twist to make weight exciting for kids!

When it was their turn, each kid was asked to guess how many candy corn their object weighs?

Grab your balance scale and items from around the house and try out this fun and simple weighing activity that has fun twist to make weight exciting for kids!

Then they counted candy corn all the way to their number they guessed to see how close they were.

Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.
Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.

They loved this weighing activity!

Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.

Then we would compare the number they "predicted" to the number it weighed.

What are some fun ways you have used a balance scale with kids?

We are always looking for new activity ideas to teach kids about weight!

Weighing and comparing objects with a scale made simple a fun for preschoolers with this easy weight activity you can do at home.

Fruit Loops Rainbow Craft with Color Matching

Posted: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 PM PST

Click here to read Fruit Loops Rainbow Craft with Color Matching on Hands On As We Grow®

This Fruit Loops rainbow craft is cute and fun for preschoolers to practice color matching. Simply color match the Fruit Loops to the Rainbow.

I was itching for a spring activity, something that would work on color matching, too. Then I thought about creating a Fruit Loops rainbow craft – using Fruity Cheerios cereal!

Download a Week of Rainbow Fun RIGHT HERE!

Fruit Loops rainbow craft for preschoolers to practice color matching. Simply color match the Fruit Loops to the Rainbow.

But Henry was having one of “those” days – where everything is too much or not enough.

Everything was “Nooooo….” or “Not now….” or “I’m busy.” As he lays around my house also telling me he’s “bored.”

Do you ever have those days with your kids?

Until I mentioned rainbows…

Rainbows are a great medium for kids to practice their colors. 

Prep to Make the Fruit Loops Rainbow Craft

To make your own color matching Fruit Loops rainbow craft, you’ll need:

  • colorful cereal, like fruity Cheerios
  • construction paper
  • markers
  • glue
  • cotton balls

So I pulled out some fruity colored Cheerios (affiliate link) and drew a rainbow with markers. There’s only 5 colors of the cereal, so I stuck with those colors.

Ideally, a rainbow craft for preschoolers would include all 7 of the colors of the rainbow: ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet), but we can’t always win and sometimes we have to use what we have.

 I used a large plate to start my rainbow. I traced around it to make a semi-circle with a red marker. Then spaced the other lines out the size of a Fruit Loop (I eyeballed these semi-circles for the rainbow).

Here is a link to a few options for a rainbow template for you to use from What Mommy Does. The Extra Large Rainbow Template looks like it will fit on a single sheet of paper and should be about just the right size spacing for Fruit Loops of each color!

Work on color matching with a cute rainbow cereal craft for kids!

Download a Week of Rainbow Fun RIGHT HERE!

This was definitely a collaborative effort. 

Work on Color Matching with a Fun Spring Craft

For one, because of the prior mentioned aversion to my suggestions. And two because the glue tended to dry too fast for Henry to get the Fruit Loops on.

Henry matched up the colors of the Fruit Loops to the outline of the Rainbow. I glued little by little as we went along. 

Henry, not quite yet a preschooler, did the entire rainbow craft himself with the occasional push from me to keep going.

You could also go on a toy rainbow hunt to get the kids moving!

Build a rainbow for spring out of cereal - Fruit Loops or Rainbow Cheerios!

Once he got going though, he really enjoyed it.

Color matching practice for preschoolers - Rainbow Craft with Fruit Loops or Rainbow Cheerios

Henry popped some of the occasional double Cheerios that were stuck together into his mouth, along with some broken ones. He was very good about not eating the “good” ones, surprisingly.

Such a cute spring craft for kids -- a rainbow color matching craft with Fruit Loops or Fruity Rainbow Cheerios

After the Rainbow was complete, we added some clouds by tearing up cotton balls and gluing them on each end of the rainbow. To keep this in the theme of the edible crafting materials, you could use mini marshmallows instead of the cotton balls.

But whatever you got on hand works!

I cannot tell you how proud Henry is of his rainbow.

Make a colorful spring rainbow craft with the kids and practice color matching

This rainbow will be staying up in the house long past St. Patrick’s Day.

If your preschooler loves to do crafts, this craft and over 70 beautiful crafts are in our easy to use eBook MAKE: Creative Crafts for Toddlers & Preschoolers to Make. These crafts are perfect for 2-5 year olds!

What is your favorite rainbow craft for preschool?

Here are a few more colorful rainbow activities for preschoolers!

Download a Week of Rainbow Fun RIGHT HERE!

27 Colorful Spring Art for Kids to be Creative

Posted: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 AM PST

Click here to read 27 Colorful Spring Art for Kids to be Creative on Hands On As We Grow®

Make colorful, fun and bright spring art projects for kids! Art projects that kids can actually make!

Colorful and bright spring art projects for kids. What better way to get in the mood for Spring than to decorate with spring masterpiece!

I am so in the mood for Spring and completely over winter. Even if all the winter crafts are adorably cute.

I need some green and brightness around me!

We have recently moved my office to its own room, and styling it has been fun. I haven’t decorated in years it seems like.

21 creative and colorful Spring art projects for kids to make!

One thing I wanted to make sure I put in the room is a place to display the kids art projects.

I’d been saving this old picture frame for the longest time and it was time to use it. I spray painted it a soft yellow to go with the room since I did blues with a yellow accent.

I turned the frame into a place to display the kids’ art projects, and what better way to get in the mood for Spring than to fill it up with wonderful Spring art projects that the kids make?

Now to really fill that frame with some oh-so-colorful Spring art projects from the kids!

Colorful and bright spring art projects for kids. What better way to get in the mood for Spring than to decorate with spring masterpiece!

From flowers to rainbows to butterflies and Spring holidays. I found a whole bunch of Spring art projects for kids! I especially love the Spring trees, so I saved those for last!

These are going to look fantastic in that frame!

Spring Art Projects for Kids to Decorate the House!

Flower art projects for kids to make - plus more spring art projects for kids!

Flower Art Projects for Kids to Make:

  1. Multimedia art project makes pretty flowers! What makes kids art more spring themed than flowers? Watercolor newspapers and magazines! From Fine Lines.
  2. Simple cut stencils out in the shape of flowers and spray watercolors! So gorgeous! From Choices 4 Children.
  3. Reuse the kids paintings and crumple them up to make these 3D flowers for cards!
  4. Collaging tissue paper onto canvas. I love all the layers! From Studio Kids.
  5. Simple glue rubbings using hot glue. Simply draw whatever shapes you’d like and rub over them! Fun flower art! From This Little Project.
  6. Upcycle bottles to make spring flowers! Use a thumbprint for the center.

We have even more flower ideas that are for Mother’s Day!

Rainbow art projects for kids to make - plus more spring art projects for kids!

Rainbow Art Projects for Kids to Make:

  1. Create a rainbow with a sponge all in one swipe. Super simple spring art kids can make over and over.
  2. A rainbow made with black glue and salt! Love the texture! From Mess for Less
  3. Practice color mixing with coffee filter rainbows. From The Kitchen Table Classroom
  4. Condensed milk paint leaves a shiny rainbow! So pretty! From Momma.Poppa.Bubba.
  5. Start a rainbow with a rainbow handprint! I love that addition to this cute fine motor craft! From Kids Craft Room
  6. Brighten up the home with colorful rainbow window art!

There are so many ways to make rainbows! Check out 11 more rainbow activities from hands on moms.

Butterfly art projects for kids to make - plus more spring art projects for kids!

Butterfly Spring Art Projects for Kids to Create:

  1. Make a pretty coffee filter butterfly – a classic kid craft!
  2. Gorgeous way to send rainbows fluttering across the floor with a stained glass butterfly. From Typically Simple.
  3. Create monarch butterflies! I love all the variations! From Kid World Citizen.
  4. I love the dots in these symmetrical butterfly prints! From Tinkerlab.
  5. Footprint butterflies, not just for decoration, but a sentimental art project to keep! From Plain Vanilla Mom.
  6. Reuse your toilet paper tubes to make butterflies. From Crafty Morning.

Download the FREE Creative Week for Toddlers & Preschoolers!

Easter egg art projects for kids to make - plus more spring art projects for kids!

Easter Egg Art Projects for Kids to Craft

  1. I love tape resist and a giant Easter tape resist egg is perfect! From Mom to 2 Posh Li’l Divas
  2. Grab an old toothbrush and splatter paint an Easter egg! This is such a classic spring art project to add to the mix for any kid.
  3. Break out the plastic eggs early and roll them around to create a fun big art project for kids!
  4. Crayon and tape resist with some watercolor makes for some pretty eggs to display!
  5. Shaving cream isn’t just for rainbows! Make marbled eggs too! From The Chocolate Muffin Tree
  6. Yum! Your kids are sure to gobble up these Easter egg pancakes!

And don’t just stop with eggs for decor, check out these 26 ways to decorate Easter eggs!

Spring tree art projects for kids to make - plus more spring art projects for kids!

Spring Tree Art Projects for Kids to Create,

These are some of my favorite crafts to create!

  1. A fingerprint Spring cherry tree is so pretty! I love the straw blown tree trunks! From Housing a Forest.
  2. Arbor Day is in the Spring, make some tape resist trees to celebrate if you can’t plant one yet!
  3. A simple Spring tree art project with Q-Tip blossoms. So cute! From No Time for Flash Cards.
  4. Another fingerprint Spring cherry tree, this time with cluster of blossoms to work on counting to 5. From Fun Handprint Art.
  5. The process of this cherry blossom tree is outstanding! Wetting the paper and watching it spread. From Musing from Kim K.
  6. Upcycle another bottle to make cherry blossoms! So adorable! From Alpha Mom.

If these 20 Spring art projects for kids to make aren’t enough, there’s 36 spring crafts for kids to make too!

Colorful and bright spring art projects for kids. What better way to get in the mood for Spring than to decorate with spring masterpiece!

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