Thursday 24 February 2022

Frank Buck Consulting

Frank Buck Consulting

7 More Great Uses for Evernote

Posted: 22 Feb 2022 10:29 AM PST

Curious about how Evernote can help you? Start by reading the last post, 7 Great Uses for Evernote. You'll learn 7 ways Evernote can work for you. If you already saw that post and are looking for more, today's content, 7 more great uses for Evernote, is for you.

Some people don't "get" Evernote at first. I didn't. Often, the best way to describe something is to give people examples and let them jump in. Through experimentation, you find ways to make a tool work for you.

If you found something in last week’s post that you like and are using, I would love to hear about it. Leave a comment on this post or on the YouTube video from last week.

7 more things you could keep in Evernote:

  • Receipts. If you want to get rid of the paper and keep your receipts digitally, Evernote is the way to go. When a receipt arrives in your email, forward it to Evernote (if you use a paid account). If you use the free account, use the Evernote Web Clipper to save the receipt. If you have a paper receipt, open Evernote on your phone and snap a photo. You have, in essence, just scanned that document.
Uses for Evernote
Save receipts in Evernote

The great thing about saving receipts in Evernote is the variety of ways in which you can search for it. In this example, I could search for "Mama," "Trussville," the date, or even "$10.00." Evernote reads text from scanned paper or even photos. Also, you can access the information from anywhere.

  • Ordering information. When you place an online order, use the Evernote Web Clipper. Take a screen shot of the area that has your order, total, confirmation, and expected delivery. Put a task in your digital to-do list (I use Remember The Milk) to remind yourself on the appropriate date to look for your package. Right-click on the note in Evernote to get the link. Back over in your to-do list, paste the link in the note section of your task. You have instant access to all the needed information.
  • Writing a book. Create a notebook for the project. My new book, Get Organized Digitally! publsihed a month ago. When I began the project, I created a note for each chapter. I was able to add thoughts, copy/paste quotes from other sources, add links to webpages, and attach documents. Evernote served as your outline for every part of the book preparation.
  • Articles to read later. Use the Web Clipper to put an entire webpage into Evernote for later reference. Drag a PDF or Word document into a note.
  • Meeting notes. Create a new note at the start of the meeting. Evernote now includes a task feature, allowing you to add “to-dos” related to that meeting right there in the body of those notes. With a paid plan, those tasks are aggregated in one place where you can see all tasks across all projects. Add due dates to designate dates for the future. After the meeting, right-click on the note to get a link you can share with others. If you make additions to the meeting notes, the link will always take people to the latest version. If you already use a digital task list, such as Remember The Milk, A great service called TaskClone takes the to-dos you mark and automatically puts them on your task list.
  • Auto records. Create a notebook called "Automobile." Create a note for each car in the household with all the purchase information. For each car, include where you bought it, when, the name of the salesman, the amount, the VIN, the keyless entry code, and license plate number. Each time you take a car for service, create a new note detailing it. You have a wealth of information about your family automobiles from anywhere you are. When I arrived back to the airport after a winter trip, I found myself with a dead battery. I created a note in Evernote to document all the information.
Uses for Evernote
Record of auto service in Evernote
  • Planning a project. Depending on the size of the project, create a note or create an entire notebook. Outline your thoughts. Snap photos and save with those notes. Attach digital documents and spreadsheets. Add arrows, circles, and text blocks as annotations in your attachments. Forward emails about the project into Evernote. Detail “to-dos.” You can keep all your project plans in one place.

The best way to learn Evernote is to jump in with both feet. Now you have examples of more uses for Evernote. The more you use it, the easier it becomes and the more you will find your own uses. In your browser, go here and create your account today.

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The post 7 More Great Uses for Evernote appeared first on Frank Buck Consulting.

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