Friday 25 February 2022

Clown Show: Psaki Says Biden Didn’t Mean Comment That “No One Expected the Sanctions to Prevent Anything From Happening” (VIDEO)

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Clown Show: Psaki Says Biden Didn't Mean Comment That "No One Expected the Sanctions to Prevent Anything From Happening" (VIDEO)
Posted by Cristina Laila
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday tried to cover for Joe Biden's disastrous press conference. Joe Biden held... Read more…
GOP Senators Demand Answers from Biden Regime on 23,000 Americans Stranded in Ukraine – Will They Be Left to Fend for Themselves Like in Afghanistan?
Posted by Jim Hoft
A recent report earlier this month by American Military News revealed that up to 9,000 Americans were left behind in... Read more…
Gov Refusing to Send Water to California Farmers Amid Drought, Prioritizes Protecting Endangered Wild Fish
Posted by Cassandra Fairbanks
The US government is refusing to send water to California farmers amid the third year of severe drought in the... Read more…
US Expects Kyiv to Fall in 96 Hours by the Weekend After Russian Forces Seize Chernobyl
Posted by Jim Hoft
The Russian invasion of Ukraine came from all directions including through the country of Belarus to the north - Via... Read more…
Steve Bannon: "Where's Hunter Biden? Is Hunter Over There With his Business Partners? Is He with More Strippers? Is He Smoking More Crack?" (VIDEO)
Posted by Jim Hoft
Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. On Wednesday night Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the start of Russian... Read more…
US Rep. Swalwell Suggests Kicking Russians Out of US Universities But Ignores Chinese in US Universities Stealing US Knowledge and Research Used in Development of COVID-19
Posted by Joe Hoft
Democrat US Congressman Eric Swalwell from California suggests that Russian students should be removed from US universities but he for... Read more…
Are You Willing to Die for Ukraine?
Posted by Larry Johnson
Before making up your mind on Ukraine read this.  This simple and profound question is the fundamental issue when it... Read more…
Oklahoma Republican Senator Jim Inhofe Expected to Announce His Resignation: Report
Posted by Cristina Laila
US Senator Jim Inhofe will announce his resignation as early as Friday, according to reports. The 87-year-old Republican Oklahoma Senator... Read more…
With Corrupt Politicians and a Corrupt Media How Do We Know What Is Best for the US Concerning Ukraine?
Posted by Joe Hoft
(Cover photo by Ben Garrison at Grrr Graphics) With corrupt politicians and a corrupt media, it's difficult to know what... Read more…
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