Saturday 22 January 2022

HotAir Daily Express 01/22/2022

"Safe streets worker" (replacing police) gunned down in Baltimore
Jazz Shaw
Sinema to be censured by her own party in Arizona?
Jazz Shaw
Andrew Sullivan: Biden is out of touch with political reality
John Sexton
CDC chief: We're changing our vaccination language from "fully vaccinated" to "up to date"


Today's March for Life could be the last one under Roe v Wade
John Sexton
New York gov: My daughter got used to wearing sneakers, your kid will get used to wearing a mask
Mars rethinks wardrobe choices for its popular candy - do stilettos sell chocolate?
Karen Townsend
Ana Navarro to Jen Psaki: How can the next election be legitimate if election reforms haven't passed?
John Sexton
Oh my: Democrat support for Pelosi/Schumer-led Congress crashes by over half
Ed Morrissey
TSA now accepting arrest and removal warrants as proof of ID for illegals who want to fly
Make California Great Again: Newsom says train thefts made California 'look like a Third World country'
John Sexton
Today's hot topics on Relevant Radio®: March for Life, Macron's demand, ERA debate, the markets, the movies, and more!
Ed Morrissey
Trump: The reports of a feud between me and DeSantis are fake news
UCSF doctor: I'm about done being cautious because of COVID
John Sexton
Is the FBI raid on Cuellar a part of an investigation into Azerbaijan corruption?
Karen Townsend


Biden goes over the top praising Kamala Harris: "I love you"
Germany blocks NATO ally from transferring weapons to Ukraine
A "who's who" of anti-vax activists head to D.C.
"I don't want to live in your mask paranoid world anymore"
Why pro-abortion groups flipped on the filibuster

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