Check yesterday's weather. It is the same today. The rain doesn't stop. It is only 49˚ and won't get much higher. The wind is far lighter than yesterday's. I am staying home again today. It is the driest spot I know.

Big news here! My family has an addition. Nala joined us yesterday. She is a one year old boxer. Nala is fawn but has interesting coloring. She has a black tail and a bit of black across her back. She has all the energy of a one year old. Lala lived with my cousin Mitch and his wife Kelly. They are boxer lovers from way back. Besides Nala, they had another boxer, an almost three year old female. The two of them started fighting with Nala being the aggressor. She got the worst of the deal each time and yesterday had to go to the vets. When Kelly brought Nala home from the vets, she went after the other dog again. Mitch and Kelly's baby grandson and his parents live with them so they wanted to protect the baby just in case. Mitch called me shortly after that knowing I am a boxer lover. Both Kelly and Mitch were devastated. Poor Kelly was crying, and I knew exactly why. Losing a dog in any way is so very heartbreaking. Nala checked everything out room by room, got hissed at by Jack and Henry bared his teeth once. It was a warning. Nala follows Henry everywhere. She eats his bones and sleeps on his side of the couch. I keep moving her to the other side. Last night one dog was on each side of me sleeping while I watched TV. Going to bed took a while. Henry would jump on the bed then Nala would jump on then Henry would get off and Nala would follow. Finally I told both of them to work it out and I turned off the light. I woke up at 5:30, and the two of them were sleeping beside each other. I took them out and back and then went to sleep. When I woke up, Nala was beside me resting her head on my arm. Henry was sleeping at the bottom of the bed. When I got downstairs, I found she had peed and pooped on the dining room floor. I had taken her out before bed and at 5:30, but I didn't watch her. Now, the three of us will go out together.

Today I'll keep an eye on both dogs and hope Nala will find outside a better bathroom, lots more choices. Right now is nap time on the couch. I may join them.