Monday 31 May 2021

Memorial Day Vow: ‘Never Again Will One Generation of Veterans Abandon Another’

May 31 2021

Memorial Day greetings from Washington, where we join you in remembering all those who have fallen in defense of the nation. Robert Wilkie, former secretary of veterans affairs, shares his thoughts on their sacrifice in a commentary and as our guest on the podcast. While we're remembering, Jarrett Stepman underscores the key roles of the United States and Great Britain in winning World War II. Plus: regulating "ghost guns;" teaching anti-Americanism; and discovering the origin of COVID-19. One hundred years ago tonight, thousands of white citizens of Tulsa, Oklahoma—sparked by rumors—burn down homes and businesses in the predominantly black Greenwood District, killing hundreds in what now is called the Tulsa Race Massacre.

Memorial Day Vow: 'Never Again Will One Generation of Veterans Abandon Another'
By Robert Wilkie

The Vietnam War created a lasting slogan: "Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another." That must be our charge today—and always.
Never Forget That US and UK Saved World From Tyranny
By Jarrett Stepman

Countless countries throughout the West—the United States, Great Britain, and others—have crossed the line of self-criticism essential to a free society and into outright self-loathing.
Breaking Down Biden's Proposed 'Ghost Gun' Rules
By Amy Swearer

Americans have a long and proud history of private gunsmithing. We've always been tinkering with our guns in our garages. Why are homemade guns suddenly an issue?
Former VA Secretary Robert Wilkie Reminds Us Why We Celebrate Memorial Day
By Virginia Allen

Robert Wilkie, secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs in the Trump administration, says Americans owe a great debt because without those who laid down their lives, "we wouldn't have very much...
A New History Curriculum or Anti-American Propaganda?
By Lindsey Burke

President Biden wants educators to teach students that racism is endemic. He and his "woke" allies think students should learn that our nation was born of the desire to enslave other humans.
We Hear You: Thomas Sowell, Housing First, and China and Celebrities
By Katrina Trinko

"John Cena and every Hollywood actor that bends the knee like him ...should be required to get a tattoo across their forehead ... 'Made In China,'" writes Scott Ward.
ICYMI: Will the Madness of 2020 Last?
By Victor Davis Hanson

As Americans sober up, will they institutionalize or reject the frenzy remaining from the destructive stampede that took the country over the cliff during the most unhinged year in American history?

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