Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Hands On As We Grow®

Hands On As We Grow®

Nature Color Scavenger Hunt Easy Activity for Kids

Posted: 03 May 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Click here to read Nature Color Scavenger Hunt Easy Activity for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®

This simple and fun nature clothespin color matching scavenger hunt is a great activity for outdoor exploring, fine motor practice, and color learning all in one.

If your child loves nature investigation, check out these additional awesome nature activities for kids to create and explore.

Supplies Needed for This Nature Color Scavenger Hunt:

  • Piece of cardboard
  • Clothespins (we used 5)
  • Different color markers (same as number of clothespins)
  • Glue
Nature Color Clip Scavenger Hunt Supplies

Making the Nature Color Clothespin Clip Board:

Begin by choosing your number of clothespins, we used five, but any amount can be used.

If you have younger children, five would be good, but for older children, you could add a few more.

Check out this Bucket & Clothesline activity for more clothespin fun!

Then choose which colors to make your clothespins.

For this scavenger hunt I was careful to chose colors that we find most often in nature around our home.

My eight year old and five year old helped with choosing colors and coloring the clips.

Clothespin Color Choices

Once the clips are colored, equally space them out on the piece of cardboard, and glue them down.

Be sure that the color side is facing upward.

Make a color clip board for an outdoor nature scavenger hunt activity.

The glue needs a few minutes to dry, but your clothespin color clip board is complete.

It’s Time for Nature Color Scavenger Hunt:

Head on outdoors and begin the investigation!

Send your kids out on a scavenger hunt to find items outside in nature that match each color and clip it in the clothespins.

My daughter loved holding the clip board and running around finding the nature items to clip into the matching colored clothespin.

A simple and fun nature color scavenger hunt with clothespins activity for outdoor exploring, fine motor skills, and color learning for kids.

It’s great fine motor practice to open the clothespin, place the item into the clip, and release it to close.

Here are 30 more activities to improve kids fine motor skills!

It was so much fun to search and find items in nature that matched the colors.

Color Practice Fine Motor Clothespin Clip Scavenger Hunt with Nature

There were times that we found one object that matched the color, but then at a quick glance found another we liked even more.

You can find, clip, remove, and add in something new throughout the scavenger hunt.

Clothespin Fine Motor Nature Color Scavenger Hunt

Take your time with this scavenger hunt, explore the colors and textures in the nature around you, and clip as many items as you can find.

Can’t go outdoors?

No worries, this activity can be done indoors too!

My daughter loved using our nature scavenger hunt clip board as a candy color clip board also.

Clothespin Color Clip Indoor Fun

This activity can be used over and over again, with many different types of objects, and for outdoor and indoor fun.

What colors did you use on your nature clothespin color clip board?

Please share in the comments below.

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