Thursday 13 May 2021

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Feds, take it away

Posted: 13 May 2021 11:03 AM PDT

(Scott Johnson)

The murder case against Derek Chauvin’s three former colleagues was set for trial before Judge Peter Cahill on a date certain this August. At a motion hearing in the case this morning, however, Judge Cahill rescheduled the trial to March 7, 2022, in deference to the federal civil rights case filed against all four defendants in Minnesota federal district court. As of this moment, the court has sent out an announcement of the new trial date with no companion order. The Associated Press story on today’s motion hearing is here

Judge Cahill has done his best to address fair trial issues in the case against Chauvin and the three other men. I don’t agree with his resolution of all these issues, but I think he has dealt with them seriously. I noted when the federal charges were announced that the Department of Justice had now compounded the difficulties he faced in the case set for trial in August.

The AP story does not quote Cahill directly. It states that he seeks “to allow the publicity over Derek Chauvin's conviction to cool off” and to let the federal case “go forward first.” Let’s see how the Minnesota federal district court deals with the fair trial issues the Department of Justice has compounded for Judge Cahill. They won’t be going away any time soon.

Perhaps mistakenly, I sense frustration Judge Cahill’s deference to trial of the federal case brought by the Department of Justice. They have serious fair trial issues of their own. He is telling the feds they can take it away.

A word from Netanyahu

Posted: 13 May 2021 08:14 AM PDT

(Scott Johnson)

The message is brief but effective: “Share the truth.” Netanyahu asks viewers to put themselves in the place of Israelis subjected to the rocket attacks from Gaza. It shouldn’t be difficult, but somehow…it seems to be impossible for some. You know who they are.

Via Michael Doran on Twitter.

DeSantis to the Rescue

Posted: 13 May 2021 07:38 AM PDT

(John Hinderaker)

On the Laura Ingraham show last night, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that he will pardon all Floridians who have been charged with failing to wear masks or socially distance in compliance with COVID-related protocols imposed by counties. The immediate context was a criminal prosecution against a couple who own a Florida gym, and who refused to force customers to wear masks. They were facing jail terms of 120 days. The couple, Mike and Jillian Carnevale, were on the program with DeSantis.

The Republican governor made the unexpected announcement on Fox News Wednesday as he decried county officials penalizing people.

"It's a total overreach," he told Laura Ingraham. "These things with health should be advisory, they should not be punitive."

DeSantis said potential jail time was particularly absurd in the Carnevales' case.

"The fact is, it's not even right to be wearing masks when you're exercising," the governor said. "The World Health Organization advises against it! It's not healthy to be doing that in the first place, so it was a bad restriction," he said.

He is right about that. Also, people should be free to choose. They can see whether others are wearing masks in a gym, or a restaurant, or wherever. If they want to frequent a gym, a restaurant or a bar that requires customers to wear masks, fine. That is their choice. But the idea that all of us should be forced to make the same choice, especially now that most of the population has been vaccinated, is not just ridiculous but tyrannical.

Rufo versus Disney: An update

Posted: 13 May 2021 05:36 AM PDT

(Scott Johnson)

Chris Rufo has doggedly documented the metastasis of Critical Race Theory throughout our institutions. In his May 7 City Journal column “The wokest place on earth,” Rufo reported the spread of CRT to Disney. Yesterday morning, Rufo updated his report via email stating that Disney has backed down:

The Walt Disney Company responded to my reporting about its divisive “diversity and inclusion” program with a statement defending the company’s commitment to “inclusivity.” The statement was riddled with errors and evasions, as I noted on social media.

Today, multiple sources have told me that Disney has completely removed its diversity and inclusion program from the company’s website—effectively scrubbing it out of existence. My reporting had generated tens of millions of media impressions and a significant backlash from the public.

This is a major victory in the war against “woke capital.” Disney was peddling the most toxic elements of critical race theory and my reporting led to immediate changes within the company.

The truth is simple: corporate “diversity and inclusion” is a scam. It’s a reputation-laundering mechanism for corporations and divides Americans into competing racial categories. Shut it down.

I hope and trust that Rufo is reading the tea leaves correctly (tweet below).

Why won’t Israelis let themselves be killed?

Posted: 13 May 2021 04:55 AM PDT

(Scott Johnson)

Democrats such as Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar have become advocates of terrorists and murderers. To borrow the cliché, the silence here — the silence of the Star Tribune — is deafening.

In his current Spiked column Brendan O’Neill poses the persistently relevant question about the peculiar double standard Omar and her ilk apply to Israel:

The judgement and treatment of Israel by a double standard is one of the most disturbing facets of global politics in the 21st century. That double standard has been glaringly evident over the past few days. Israel is now the only country on Earth that is expected to allow itself to be attacked. To sit back and do nothing as its citizens are pelted with rocks or rockets. How else do we explain so many people's unwillingness to place the current events in any kind of context, including the context of an avowedly anti-Semitic Islamist movement – Hamas – firing hundreds of missiles into civilian areas in Israel? In this context, to rage solely against Israel, to curse its people and burn its flag because it has sent missiles to destroy Hamas's firing positions in Gaza, is essentially to say: “Why won't Israelis let themselves be killed?”

Whole thing here. We have yet to account for the silence of the Star Tribune. I don’t have the answer, but I speculate that cowardice and stupidity explain a lot.

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