Tuesday 9 March 2021

What Have We Done?

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The latest news and analysis from Reason.com
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
No, a Potential Recall of California Gov. Gavin Newsom Is Not a Threat to Democracy
It may, however, be a consequence of authoritarian COVID-19 responses that failed to keep citizens safe.
By Scott Shackford
State Revenue Is 'Virtually Flat.' Local Government Revenue Is Up Slightly. Congress Wants To Give Them $350 Billion Anyway.
The Democrats' COVID bill showers billions of unneeded dollars on state and local governments.
By Christian Britschgi

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What Have We Done?
On the largest spending bill in U.S. history and the one-year anniversary of life under coronavirus.
By Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, Matt Welch
The Great Vaccine Fiasco
Federal predictions that 20 million Americans would be vaccinated by the end of 2020 were off by an order of magnitude.
By J.D. Tuccille
Alex Tabarrok on 'First Doses First'
"When you push out the first doses faster, you get to herd immunity faster."
By Issac Reese
Cops Who Assaulted and Arrested a Man for Standing Outside His Own House Got Qualified Immunity. SCOTUS Won't Hear the Case.
The Supreme Court delivers another blow to a victim of egregious police abuse.
By Billy Binion
Twitter Sues Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Accusing Him of Retaliating Against the Company for Banning Donald Trump
The First Amendment doesn't just protect the right of private individuals and corporations to speak freely without censorship from the government but to resist serving as a mandatory forum for government speech, too.
By Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Some Jobs Are More Equal Than Others
All professions deserve the same constitutional protections that speech-heavy industries get.
By Anthony Sanders
Japanese Mapping App Helps Users Steer Clear of Loud Neighborhood Kids. But Why?
Experts speak of "society's growing intolerance for the sounds of children at play."
By Lenore Skenazy
Hard Butter Mystery Riles Canada
Is it the cow feed? Dairy regulations? A mass delusion?
By Baylen Linnekin
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