Tuesday 9 March 2021

Bearing Arms - Mar 09 - Florida Bill Would Reinstate Felons' Gun Rights

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Florida Bill Would Reinstate Felons' Gun Rights
x Mar 09, 2021
A convicted felon cannot legally own a firearm. Not unless they go through the legal hurdles to have all their rights restored. It's a hassle, but if they want to own a firearm and not end up back in handcuffs, it's what they have to do. Many argue this makes perfect ... [Keep Reading]
GOP Rep. Offers Pro-Gun Amendments For Background Check Bill
x Mar 09 2021
Not every state treats guns the same way. They don't treat gun owners the same way, either. For anti-gunners, that's a problem. They want everyone to be treated kind of like California treats gun owners, only not quite so well. "But California doesn't treat gun owners well." Yeah, that's the joke. Anywho, a ... [Keep Reading]
New Anti-Gun Argument: 2A Getting In The Way Of Other Rights
x Mar 08 2021
The Second Amendment has long been treated as a second-class right by gun control activists and even some unarmed Americans who simply aren't as concerned about protecting a right that they're not currently exercising. Unfortunately for those opposed to the right to keep and bear arms, 2020 was a banner ... [Keep Reading]
Gun Control, Not The Second Amendment, Is Rooted In Racism
x Mar 08 2021
Are the origins of the Second Amendment rooted in racism? Is the way to racial equality paved with restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms? According to columnist Clyde Ford at the website Crosscut, the answer to both of those questions is a resounding "yes". In a new piece, ... [Keep Reading]
"Ghost Gun" Arrests Illustrate How New Laws Aren't Needed
x Mar 08 2021
One of the things the anti-gunners have been on a crusade about is so-called "ghost guns." They're alarmed that anyone can sell an incomplete receiver to someone else, who can then turn it into a functional firearm. It's a hobby for a large number of Americans, something they do to ... [Keep Reading]
House Dems Eye Wednesday Vote For Gun Control Bills
x Mar 08 2021
It looks like we're headed for a midweek vote on gun control legislation in the House, with Reuters reporting that Nancy Pelosi will bring two bills dealing with background checks to the House floor for a vote on Wednesday. On todays' Bearing Arms' Cam ... [Keep Reading]
Democrats' Approach To Crime At Odds With Gun Control Push
x Mar 09, 2021
Democrats in the U.S. House are expected to advance two gun control measures on Wednesday, both of which are aimed at legal gun owners and gun sellers and impose criminal sanctions for gun transfers that take place without the express permission of the federal government. Under the Democrats' universal background ... [Keep Reading]
Canadian Gun Ban May Wipe Out Airsofters As Well
x Mar 09, 2021
Airsofters aren't generally part of the Second Amendment community. Some happen to also own real firearms, but most airsofters are folks who like to play war. Rather than playing with sticks are toy guns like many of us did when we were kids, they use a weapon that fires a ... [Keep Reading]
House Dems Chide Facebook Over Ads For Gun Accessories
x Mar 09, 2021
Democrats on Capitol Hill took another swipe at Facebook on Monday, accusing the tech giant of a lack of transparency regarding ad placements in an open letter authored by members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In particular, the Democrats on the committee have a problem with ads for ... [Keep Reading]
Biden's Dog Got Violent at the White House | Katie Pavlich
Congress Is Using Personal Protective Equipment...from China | Katie Pavlich
Judicial Watch Wants to Know More About Pelosi's Coup Attempt | Katie Pavlich
Another Democrat Admits There's 'Waste' in the COVID Relief Bill | Cortney O'Brien
CNN's Brian Stelter Shares Embarrassing Work-from-Home Pic You Can't Unsee | Leah Barkoukis
Cuomo's Book Publisher Has Some Bad News for the Governor | Leah Barkoukis
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