The show this morning featured a great deal of discussion about the current administration’s efforts to drive the price of gasoline through the roof. A fanatical level of devotion to somehow trying to “electrify driving” seems to be behind this.
I am stunned since so often they accuse those of us that are Christians of not being a part of reality, yet they fail to realize that such a goal is pure fantasy. For starters this country absolutely depends on long haul trucking and there is nothing even close to a viable electrical, heavy-load, long haul vehicle – nothing. Secondly there is not enough electrical generation capacity in the country to fill that bill – nor could there possibly be anytime soon. Thirdly, how do they propose to generate...
I had a long post in mind for this morning that is now being scrapped for some early reading, but a couple of points need be made before I get into it.
Something is deeply wrong when yesterday’s primaries are being covered in terms of “Trump.” It is as if the candidates and races themselves did not matter, what matters is if the Trump-endorsed candidate won or lost. What’s stunning is this obsession with Trump gives him power and makes him matter. The people that object to him so are very, very busy empowering him. It’s just weird. Yesterday, discussing the baby formula shortage, the host discussed how awful bureaucracies really are, particularly how slow moving and intransigent they become. I could not agree more to that point. He;...
HH: Joined by former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is co-chair with Mike Pompeo of the Republican Redistricting Trust. That's what I want to focus on mostly, but first, your reaction to the results last night, Governor Christie. Welcome, always a pleasure to talk to you. What did you think about the way things broke in five states last night?
CC: Well, you know, interesting. I think a real, you know, a real mixed bag as you look around the, you look around the country, Hugh. I think the key race going...
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