Saturday, 7 May 2022

Losing the People? Then Change the Rules

May 7 2022
Good morning from Washington, where the left breaks any norms that get in the way of its agenda, Victor Davis Hanson argues. Now these extremists are bent on intimidating one or more Supreme Court justices, Mark Paoletta writes. On the Saturday edition of the podcast, Richard Reinsch takes a deep dive into why Americans honor the Constitution. Plus: transgenderism's toll on women, and why we'd honor mothers by ending abortion on demand. On this date in 1994, Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting "The Scream" is recovered at a hotel about 40 miles from a museum in Oslo, Norway, where it was stolen weeks earlier. Remember, tomorrow is Mother's Day.
Losing the People? Then Change the Rules
By Victor Davis Hanson

It is not just the Supreme Court the left is targeting. Long-standing institutions and even constitutional directives are now fair game.
Left's Attack on Conservative Justices Is Attempt to Delegitimize Supreme Court
By Mark Paoletta

Democrats and the media are trying to threaten, intimidate, destroy, and remove any of the justices who may constitute a new conservative majority.
How Americans Became a Constitutional People
By Richard M. Reinsch II

"I know of no one in 1776 that anticipated the kind of federal government that emerged 10 years later," says historian Gordon S. Wood.
More Proof That Transgender 'Rights' Hurt Women
By Nicole Russell

A male inmate housed in a women's facility at New York's Rikers Island jail is sentenced to seven years for raping a female prisoner.
The Best Mother's Day Gift: Overturning Roe
By Autumn Leva

As I write this article with my infant sleeping by my side, I wonder how this nation is still trying to convince women they need the "freedom" to snuff out the lives of their own children.
ICYMI: EXCLUSIVE: Team Biden Prescribes Use of Singular 'They' in 'Gender Inclusive' Policy
By Fred Lucas

"If you do not know someone's pronouns, it is appropriate to respectfully ask," states a Labor Department memo.

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