Thursday, 19 May 2022

HotAir Daily Express 05/19/2022

Life just got harder for some military spouses
Jazz Shaw
UK: Putin's purging senior commanders after Ukraine fiascos
Ed Morrissey
Beltway's big question: Biden's not really running again, is he?
Ed Morrissey
NY Governor signs "flurry" of gun control executive orders
Jazz Shaw
NYT: Three months after Ukraine invasion, Biden ready to target Russia's oil industry
Ed Morrissey
Biden belatedly invokes Defense Production Act for baby formula
Jazz Shaw
House Dem: DCCC chair, allies engaging in "thinly veiled racism" over redistricting decision
Ed Morrissey
Turkey says no to Finland, Sweden in NATO
Jazz Shaw
Axios: CNN found a slot for Chris Wallace on Sunday nights
Karen Townsend
AG Garland: Threats of violence against Justices are 'dangerous to our democracy' and won't be tolerated
John Sexton
Last night's big winner: Ron DeSantis?
Forget COVID: It's monkeypox time
Adam Serwer's take on the politics of Roe leaves out a few important things
John Sexton
Pro-choicers' testimony at House abortion hearing went as well as you'd expect
House Dem: The baby formula shortage might be caused by parental hoarding
Ed Morrissey
America's Doug Mastriano problem
Puberty starts earlier than it used to. No one knows why.
"[M]aybe taking some names and putting people in jail"
Inside the last-minute Trump endorsement that enraged Pa. Republicans
Amber Heard and the death of #MeToo

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