NYPD reveals anti-gun unit's new look | | x Mar 02, 2022 | |  | | For years, the NYPD's anti-gun unit wore plain clothes. According to some in the community, this was a serious problem and simply couldn't be tolerated. It was, apparently, just one of many problems they had with the unit, but it was a significant one. So when it was announced that the unit ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | Biden calls for new gun control in State of the Union | | x Mar 02 2022 | | President Joe Biden has been pushing for gun control ever since he took office last year. He ran on gun control during the primary and he's made it a clear priority since he was inaugurated. As our nation is gripped by violent crime, the president took center stage during the State ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | Michigan man charged with stealing 49 guns | | x Mar 01 2022 | | In the gun debate, arguments for gun control almost universally revolve around supposedly keeping guns out of the wrong hands. To hear the anti-Second Amendment crowd tell it, gun control that dictates who can buy and sell guns will somehow impact the firearms in criminal hands. Now, in theory, I can ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | | New overhaul of Colorado felon-in-possession law already in flux | | x Mar 02, 2022 | |  | | It didn't get a lot of attention at the time it was approved, but a new Colorado law that took effect on Tuesday is definitely drawing the interest of lawmakers now, as they scramble to modify the measure that limits state charges against felons found possessing a firearm. Under federal law, ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | Albany, Georgia finds way to reduce homicides | | x Mar 02, 2022 | |  | | Albany, Georgia is where I was born and raised. I've lived here pretty much my entire life save for the time I wore a uniform for Uncle Sam's Yacht Club. I won't say that it's always been great. Once, the city was bustling and growing. Then a major employer left town ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | British MP calls for bans on shotguns in homes | | x Mar 02, 2022 | |  | | The British Parliament may be sending weapons to Ukraine to fend off Russian invaders, but the legislative body could soon ban the possession of pump action shotguns by British subjects in yet another push to disarm the public under the guise of increased safety. The proposed law has been introduced by ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | California church shooter prohibited from lawfully owning guns | | x Mar 02, 2022 | |  | | On Tuesday, I wrote about the horrific shooting at a church in Sacramento, California. Four people were killed before the killer turned the gun on himself. The gunman's three daughters were among the slain. Honestly, calling it "horrific" is far too mild a term. And this happened in gun control haven California, ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | | |
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