Oops! I just missed love…
"A statement I told myself this morning when I woke up to an empty house... but wait, the house
has been empty for more than two years. My eldest, the one that just relocated to the States, has been living alone for years, and my youngest left this house to make her own home March 2020, and since then I have been living alone...

I guess I lost track of time, because time to me is a spacial value more that the number of minutes. I lost track because I kept busy with work. I lost track because I ignored my personal life and duties toward myself.

Di I deliberately do so, did I feel that my duties toward myself were should not be a priority, or did I fear awakening a dormant pain caused by the past?

Sometime I wonder whether I will drop in love again, since it looks like I am fearing commitment, and when I look back to wonder and tell myself "Oops! I just missed love…", I will admit, at least to myself, that no, I did not just miss love, I lost love long ago, and I left my love heart in the past!"
#MOI to you my friends, remember to carry your heart along, and use this piece of advise that I would say to myself as well when I wonder "COULD HEARTS BE MENDED" from my upcoming book, well, I tell you, you wouldn't know until you try again!

Host of online Livestream & Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

*Stay tuned for what is coming soon

Both available on this Amazon link: Badiaa Hiresh amazon.com link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing link: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers link: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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