"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: When I awake, I am still with thee." Psalm 139:17-18 KJV

Hello Family,

Often when we are hurting we will go and speak with a close friend who we trust and they may offer healing words that set us right. However there are deep things with in our heart that cause us pain, that we cannot express through words. We can be in a room full of celebration and joy, and no one will know what we are feeling. I was in that place recently and I could not express it to those around me but God saw and knew every bit of what I was going through in that moment.

God often communicates with my heart through music, as I went through out my day. He guided me to songs that spoke to my heart. On the outside you wouldn't know the depth of the fellowship I was having with the father. I was in a public place with hundreds around me but my focus was on God and the things He was speaking to my heart. God know EVERYTHING, we go through. He sees every tear, feels every frustration, He knows it all down to the smallest detail and He knows how to speak to it better than our closest friend. God feels the pulse of our heart.

Much love & God bless

B. Sawyer

(For more understanding please read out of your own bible)

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