Monday 31 May 2021

HotAir Daily Express 05/31/2021

New York's mayoral race is a referendum on "defund the police"
Jazz Shaw
China: On second -- er, third thought, we'll let you have three babies now
Ed Morrissey
In Meam Commemorationem
Jazz Shaw
Elites Moving to Desolate Islands – Why?
Sponsor: Legacy Research
DHS: Looking "very closely" at vaccine passports before backtracking again
Jazz Shaw


Here comes the Indian variant
Where have all the Uber drivers gone?
Jazz Shaw
Kamala recognizes Memorial Day weekend in a tweet and it didn't go well for her
Karen Townsend
Working on commission: Sunday reflection
Ed Morrissey
Nashville hat shop owner tried to sell yellow stars in response to COVID-19 vaccinations
Karen Townsend
Fauci warns U.S. not to abandon COVID rules "prematurely"
Third wave of COVID may be under way in UK, scientists say
I'm not scared to reenter society. I'm just not sure I want to.
"I don't think you'd have many Republicans in the search party"
How young GOP leaders sold out their generation
Israeli opposition parties reach agreement to oust Netanyahu
DeSantis is crafting a cruise-line exemption for his vaccine passport ban
Mike Flynn says Myanmar-like coup "should happen" in U.S.
Texas Dems stage walkout over restrictive voting bill, killing it for now
UFOs don't cancel out Christianity
The great American clean-up: Deodorant, teeth whitener fly off the shelves
Is "Patient Su" COVID's patient zero?
Get your dog ready for a "return to normal"
Criminal-justice reformers have a murder problem
Facebook should never have stifled the debate about COVID's origins
Latest economic data show red states crushing blue states
Bannon has his MAGA megaphone back. GOP candidates know it.
Biden's attempt to kill pro-life Hyde Amendment is morally ghastly
What happened when Evanston became the first city to promise reparations
For Dems, GOP filibuster of Jan. 6 commission tests "limits of bipartisanship"


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