Recent Arrest Proves Canadian Gun Laws A Bust | | x Dec 31, 2020 | |  | | Anti-gunners continually claim that gun laws like those in Canada work wonderfully well. All of our issues with crime here would be solved if we just adopted laws like our neighbors north of the border. Nevermind that while there are close similarities between the two nations, there are also profound ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Slate Advice Column Takes Anti-Gun Lunacy To New Heights | | x Dec 31 2020 | | No one is surprised to see Slate be anti-gun. I'm pretty sure it's a requirement on your resume when you apply there. In the interview, they probably ask stuff like what your greatest weakness is, who you admire, and just how anti-gun are you. No one is shocked. However, there are heights ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Industry Execs Provide Update On Ammo Shortage | | x Dec 30 2020 | | If you want to know what's going on with the lack of ammunition at the moment, there are few folks with more knowledge of the situation than Jason Hornady. The vice-president of Hornady Manufacturing recently put out a video that helps to put the surge in ammo sales into perspective. Hornady ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Feds Opt To Not Pursue Charges In Tamir Rice Case | | x Dec 30 2020 | | The Tamir Rice case is probably the most heartbreaking story I've covered in a long time. A young boy doing something that shouldn't have been an issue was shot by police. There was tons of outrage and I understand exactly why people were upset. I mean, he was only 12-year-old ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | Portland PD Begs Community For Help Fighting Violence Surge | | x Dec 30 2020 | | The city of Portland is not a great place to be unless you're a radical left-wing activist these days. That or a violent criminal. While protest after protest has left many shaking their head at the very idea of setting foot in Portland–not a great advertisement for tourism, that's for sure–the ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Anti-Gunners Attempt To Re-Write 2A History | | x Dec 30 2020 | | What did the Founding Fathers think about our right to keep and bear arms? According to historian Saul Cornell, founders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison would be far more likely to side with Everytown for Gun Safety than the National Rifle Association if they were ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Alyssa Milano Says Something Even Dumber About Guns | | x Dec 30 2020 | | Alyssa Milano isn't the kind of person any of us should look to for guidance on pretty much anything. I mean, she's an actress, someone who makes a living playing pretend for a living. She has no appreciable expertise in much of anything. Based on her body of work, that ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | This City Is Bucking The Trend And Reducing Violent Crime | | x Dec 30 2020 | | We're going to have more on the incredible increase in violent crime across the nation coming up on today's Bearing Arms' Cam & Co, but it's worth noting that the increase itself isn't being seen in every U.S. city. A few locales have actually seen their crime rates drop over ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Louisville SWAT Critical Of Breonna Taylor Raid | | x Dec 30 2020 | | A lot of us give the New York Times a lot of grief, and for good reason. The Old Gray Lady ain't what she used to be. Instead, she's a horribly biased institution generally still trading on the greatness of decades long gone by. However, from time to time, there are flashes ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | Defense Of "21 To Buy" Raises Questions | | x Dec 30 2020 | | Following Parkland, the state of Florida–a fairly pro-gun state most of the time–enacted a handful of gun control items that infuriated Second Amendment advocates. One of those was raising the age to buy a long gun to 21. Since federal law already bars sales of handguns to those over the age ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | Bill To Disarm Congressmen About Grandstanding, Nothing Else | | x Dec 30 2020 | | There's something inherently wrong about a different set of rules existing for a particular group versus another. Saying that a certain, privileged group can exercise their rights in ways the rest of us mere peons cannot goes against everything this nation was founded on. While those Founding Fathers often failed ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | | Felon Caught With Gun Says He Needs It For Self-Defense | | x Dec 31, 2020 | |  | | In the United States, convicted felons can't have a firearm unless their rights have been restored. Whether this is a good thing in general or not is a topic for another time. For right now, let's suffice it to say that they can't have guns. Yet felons keep getting guns. For many ... [Keep Reading] | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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